30 Extra Lives The Podcast http://30extralives.com/podcast/ Covering such nerdy exploits as comics, video games, movies, tv shows, books, and whatever else happens to pop up! Podcast Generator 2.6 - http://podcastgen.sourceforge.net Tue, 15 Oct 2024 03:45:09 +0000 en Tom Lynch http://30extralives.com/podcast/images/itunes_image.jpg 30 Extra Lives The Podcast http://30extralives.com/podcast/ Covering such nerdy exploits as comics, video games, movies, tv shows, books, and whatever else happens to pop up! Come for the nerd, stay for the REAL nerd Tom Lynch Tom Lynch 30extralives@gmail.com no Episode 15 - Art vs Artist What begins as an Art vs Artist conversation ends up getting political. If you've had enough politics recently, feel free to skip this one and come back next week for more TMNT. In what turned out to be an oddly timely podcast, we discuss the classic conundrum of Art vs Artist. Can you enjoy a piece of art from an artist that is problematic?

We also get into some politics this episode, so if you need to step away from that scene and practice some self care, feel free to skip this one. We'll be back next week with more TMNT!

What begins as an Art vs Artist conversation ends up getting political. If you've had enough politics recently, feel free to skip this one and come back next week for more TMNT. http://30extralives.com/podcast/?name=2017-08-21_episode15_artvsartist.mp3 http://30extralives.com/podcast/?name=2017-08-21_episode15_artvsartist.mp3 33:23 30extralives@gmail.com (Tom Lynch) Tom Lynch yes Fri, 15 Oct 2021 13:54:56 +0000